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29 July 2010

H2AD® as cofounder of the AFHADS

Together with 6 other companies and organisations, H2AD® has been instrumental in creating the French Association of Certified Personal Health Date Hosts (AFHADS).
As a reminder, H2AD® was one of the first data hosts to get its official accreditation in 2010. The Association’s self-appointed mandate is to promote the accreditation to users, healthcare professionals and establishments and all other decision-makers in the e-health sector. It also aims to represent the interests of already-accredited data hosts to the legislative and administrative authorities and standard-setting bodies. Last January, the Association got its very own logo. It now has a membership of 12 and contributes to the work conducted by France’s governmental shared health information agency, ASIP Santé, on developing the future framework of the hosting procedure.


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